those the Capital has a great number of minor vocal clubs among the artisans. The Acnricnty of Music vvas established in the montli of January J867 by the liberality of Sir 1*. W. Moldenhouer who granted the sum 17,436 Ud. for this purpose. Pupils of bolli sexes have admittance to this scliool having paid 300 Ud. for a course, that lasts for about 3 years; tlicy arc taught to play at pianoforte, violin and organ, and besides lliey reeeive in struction in singing. The academy numbers at present about 40 students, under the manage ment of the Professors Gade, Harlmånn and Paulli. Commerce and Industry. Although il does not agree with the plan of this book to give an accurate dcscription of the trade and industry of Copenhagcn, yet it inight be convenient lo dravv the travellers attention lo some of the most iinporlant com- mercial and industrial establishments. As a place of commerce the capital has considerably inereased, especially the period from 1847— 57 must be regarded as most prosperous. Hut at the end of this period, vvhen a crisis haunted most of the Danish
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