Academy of Arts &c. The Academy of Arts, thc great objecl of which is tho diffusion of a (ruc and reflned taste among manufaclurcrs and operatives, was ereeled in the year 1754 by King Frederik V who granlcd Cliarlottcborg Palace for lliat pur­ pose. By a practical arrangement and by aid of very skillful teaebers this Academy lias made a fine figure in the Danish History of Arl. A school is connected wilh the Academy in which apprentices, during thc winter evenings, may enjoy free instruction in drawing and painling. On the foundation day the 31th of March, prizes arc distribuled to the most successful of pupils. The Academy is, however, principally kwown to the public by ils annual exhibition of paintings which is opened from the lth of April lo the end of May. In the Statuary Apartinent the traveller will be agreable surprised at the casts of anli- que figures and sorne of Thorvaldsen’s works. This aparlmcnt can be seen on applying to the porter of the academy. In addition lo the Academy of Aris thc Art Uni on deserves our notice for the great benefll and service it has done for the inlercsl of Art and Artists. The object of this Union

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