Copenk agen.
The Capital of Denmark lies unclcr the 55° 42' N. Lat. and the 12° 34" E. Long. aboul 500 miles norlh east of London. The city ilself is about 5 miles in circumference and built partly on the eastern eoast of Sealand, partly on the little Island of Amager; the channel vvhicli Ihus bisects it, conneeling the Oresund with the Kallebodslrand, all'ords such facilities lo shipping and, consequently, to commcrcc, that this in addition lo the roadstead has from the earliesl hislorical times won for the plaee the title of the «Haven» ; later, as the town grew, the mer- chant’s haven — Kaupmannahofn — , ehanged by our modern jargon into Copenhagen. Until a fevv years ago the city vvas surrounded with ramparls and moats and fortified with ba stions and oulvvorks; but these are now passing away and giving admiltance lo fresh air and heallh; and in a fcvv years the forti-
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