llie well aranged budding for Burmeister & Wain’s workmen stands. For poor families of llie Jewisli community the Capital contains several fr.ee dwellings. Of these we will mention: Meyers Mi nde, called after ils founder Mr. Meyer, has ils sile at llie back of llie Synagoge in Krystalgade. It was built in the year 1825 and affords good lod- ging for 36 poor families. — God gj oren hed ( Bene f i c enc c ) , also a foundation, is situaded in Borgergade and can accomodate 30 families. The Foundation of Eib e s c h y t z is in Compagni- slræde, it contains excllent rooms for 12— 14 families. In addition to above qvoted Institutions a great number of Charitable Societies are found in the Capital. Of these we will not omit lo mention the following: The Female Bene- fit-Society; The Society for supporling unmar- ried females; The Society for rccovering fallen women; Vilhelmina’s Establishment for endowing the danghters of poor officials; The Foster- mothers’ Society; The Society for supression of vice, and besides niany other for philanlro- phic purposes.
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