for the ercction of 'this building. 11 affords lodgings for 14 old and infirm poor persons who cnjoy a small weekly allowance. Itoinbebøsseus' Free Lodging, founded in 1819 by the lale shipping-master, commander Solling, has for ils objeel to support deserving, old and infirm seamen. It is silualed in Chri stianshavn in llrogade No. 8 and affords free lodging for 50 persons who, besides a weekly pension, cnjoy many other advantages. The resoiirccs of this institution amount to about 132,000 Rd. Ilaamlvæikerstiftelsen, The Operatives In stitution, a really noble building, stands at the corner of Nykongensgade and Philosophgangen. It was erccted in 1831 by charitable contri- butions and affords good free dwellings for about 70 needy families of the operative class. Alderstrøst, also an operative institution, situate Nørrebrogado No. 17 , was erected by the Associations of Arlisans from the balance of a ware-loltcry. It is inlended for old arli sans and their widows and affords lodgings for 44 families. 16 of these families have free dwellings, the others conlribute a small annual sum; but within few years all the lodgings are to be free. The institution, the ercction of which has cost 70,000 Ild., was opened 1864. In addition to the above mentioned chari-
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