Abel Cat ri ne van der Wi s c h, Lady of Household to Ihe Qucen Dowager Sophie Amalie. 24 old unmarried and widoved women have liere free lodging, board and a woekly pension. A chapel is attached. The Harhocske Asyluni for unmarried females, a handsome budding in Stormgado No 11, was founded by Chri st i ane Harboc. 12 widows and a prioress, wliose husbands have held one of Ihe tlfe first ranks, have free dwelling and a small annual pension. The asylum is superintended by the magistracy. Petersens* Asylum for unmarried females, Amagertorv No. 14, was founded in 1755 by Ihe two merchants Al brecht Pe t e r s e n and his brother S e b a s t i a n Pe t e r s e n . 16 spinsters and a prioress, the ages of whicli must be past 35 have liere free lodging and an annual pension. Ils present fine budding was raised the former having been laid in aslics in the fire 1795. Kudolphi Cloister or Hospital, situate St. Pcderstrædc No. 12 , was founded by a Stu dent, Morten Nielsen, and alTords free lodging for 10 widows or unmarried females. Poul Fechtcls Hospital, or, at it formerly was callcd, de Hambo r g e r Sjæl eboder has its situation in Montergade 28. It was founded hy the Master of Mini Poul Fechtcl in the year 1570 king Frederik 11haYing granled the ground
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