table Institutions for artisans wc may Stil noticc the following. The T ann ers’ Inst. , Løngangstrædc 31, for 3 families and St Hans- gade 11, for 14 families; The Hu c k s t e r s ’ Inst. , Sølvgade 3 7 , for 32 families; The B r i c k l a y e r s ’ Inst. , Smedegade 10, for 48 families; The S k i pp e r s ’ Inst., Istedgade 10, 12 and 14, for 72 families; The Sho - ma k e r s ’ Inst., Kokkegade 3, for 21 families and Gasværksvej 2 3 , for 31 families; The Ta i l o r s ’ Inst., Victoriegade 18 andSt. Hans- gade, for 77 families; The Joi ne r s ’ Inst., Grønnegade 41, for 8 families. Kræstrup's Foundation was ereeted in 1863 by conlribulions of all the policemen in Co- penhagen. 11 alfords 32 excllent lodgings for old, deserving policemen and their widows. 'frostens Kolig, The Abode of Coinfort was founded by Admiral Vinlerfeldt to provide poor families witli lodgings for a little rent. There are two buddings, one in Hoppenslænge, the other in Klærkcgade (Nyboder) that affords clicap lodgings for about 100 families. Asyluni for invalid Persons (Sygehjemmet), situale on Rolighedsveien, serves as a hospital and lodging for 120 patients sulferingfromclironic or incurable diseascs. It was ereeted by volun- tary conlribulions after the design of the archi- tect Mr. Stilling. In the first and second story of
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