gate a thcoretical knowlcdge of Natural Ili- story. The Royal Agr i cul t ur al So c i e t y was founded in 1768 by many true friends of Iheir country, and has done more real good lo Dcnmark than most Danes are aware of. By llie puhlication and distribution of short treaties and papers on husbandry; by cattle-shows, exhibitions of farm-produce and the granting of prizes; by the facilities it offers the indu- strious husbandman, and finally by the encou- ragemcnl it gives to all honcsl endeavours to improve land the society deserves well of ils country. Its Office is in Prindscns Palaec on Fredcriksholmscanal. The Ro y a l Me d i c a l S o c i e t y , founded in 1772 and reorganized in 1850 wilh the view of conducing lo the science of Medicine in all its branches, is very numerous and numbers among its memhers some of the flrst physicians in Europe. The Bi ble So c i e t y of Co p c nh a g e n , establishcd the 22d of May 1814, for the distribution of the Iloly Scriptures has during the 52 years in which it has existed sold and given away no fewer than 308,808 Bibles and New-testaments. The In dus tri c al As s o c i a t i o n is a society that may vie wilh the Royal Agricullure
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