tcxst, with glossaries and translations that may serve to tlirow liglil on the olden eusloins and the liistory of the North. This society counts among ils membcrs many of the most di- slinguished men in Europe and is presented over by his Majesty himself. The Hi s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y of Denmark, whosc ohjecl is the promulgation of Danish liistory, Avas instituted in 1839, and publishes a periodieal magazine cdieted by ITofessor Westergaard. The S o c i e t y for pr omo t i ng Dani s h Lit er a ture Avas foundcd in 1827 and consits of a véry great number of membcrs, who by their annual contrihulion afford funds for car- rying out the object of the founders, namely the publishing ol' iicav Avorks of merit, espiei- ally such as rclate lo the history of Danish lileralure, and the issuing of iicav additions of Danish classical Avorks, that are out of print, or are only to be found in some badly printed or l'aulty editions. The S o c i e t y l'or the Di f f usi on of Nat ur al Ph i l o s o phy , founded by Ørsted, the famous Natural Philosophér, the 26th of March 1824, is connecled Avith the Polytechnic School, Avhere experiments in the latest discoveries in Natural Science are exhibited and leetures held. The society has also for its object to propa-
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