Society with rcgard to ils useful, practical len- dcncc. Since it was founded in 1840, il lias with indcfatigable zeal and nnremitting er'-rgy cxerlcd itsclf to awaken and kecp alivc an intercst for Danish Industry, encourage and cnoblc il and propagate useful knowlcdge among the Artisans of Denmark; and this tliey endeavour to cliieve by holding popular lectu- res, by publishing a w'ortby magazine and by cxbibiting productions of foreigen and national industry. The association bad moreover recently taken the initiativc in the establishing of a per­ manent Industrial Exibition, for which an edi- fice is to bc built in the neighbourhood of Tivoli. Ilow lively is the sympalhy felt by the artisans and the industrial classes of the me­ tropolis for the purpose and aim of tbis associa­ tion may be scen by the faet that it already numbers about 4000 members. It bas ils own fine, spacious rooms on Ilolmenscanal No. 12. In addition to above named socictics and associations, we may still notice the following whose names sufflcienlly explain the object for which they have been instituted. — The Ec cl e s i a s t i c a l S o c i e t y for t he Home Mi s s i on, The S o c i e t y of Natural Ili- st ory; The Te c hn i c a l So c i e t y for the e du c a t i o n of Art i s ans in their s e ver al II an der aft s; The As s o c i a t i on of Artis an s;

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