is 220 fcct in length arid divided in three prin­ cipal parts, of which the central part contains the cliief cntrance and vestibule, while the tvvo sides parts contain the lecture-roonis. Over the portal of the main entrance is the flgure of an eagle gazing upward with this inscription: «Coe- lestcm adspexil lucern« (it looks on the hea- venly light). On each side of the main facade is a carriage entrance. From the main cri- trancc you come inlo a corridor thal leads to the different lccturc-rooms, and right in front of the entrance is the spacious vestibule adorn- ed with fresco paintings by Constantin Ilansen and Ililker, and with two statues of bissen re- presenting Minerva and Apolio. This opens on, or rather conducts lo, the «Hall of Solemnily«, answering to the senate-house of the English colleges, a lofly hall, almost a regular sqare, rising through the whole height of the budding and surrounded with a gallery. On the second lloor to which stairs on botli sides lead, there are also lccture rooms. Imediately adjoning the universily buddings and connected with it is the consistorium, an unsightly budding enougli, once the palace of the bishop of Roeskildc, that has stood unhar- ined amid all the tlres that have so often dc- vasted the city and oven the bombardment that destroyed so many a noble edifice. The aca-

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