Postgaarilen, The Post-Office, stands in store Kjobmagergade at the corner of store Ilcllig- gcistesslræde, where the celebrated Danish states- man, Griflenfeldt, had his dwelling. Il was pur­ ehased in 1780 for the Postmaster-General’s- oftlce, whieh, before that time, had been in Counl Lerche’s liouse behind the cxchange. In the gateway to the right is the entrance to the Ge- nCral-Lclter-oftlce, where letters can be posted all day. Within the outercourtyard to the lefl is the entrance lo the Parcel-Office and furlher on to the riglit is the Foot-post or Town-deli- vering-offlee. Scientific Institutions. As Univcrsity-eity for ttie capital of Pen­ mark, Copenhagen contains many scientific in­ stitutions and llicir respective buildings. Of sucli wc will cspecially nolicc. Universitetet , The University, situated im- mediately to the norlh of the church of our Lady, and built in 1831— 36 from the design of the slatc-architcct Malling on the spot on whieh the «Studiegaard» formerly stood, until burnt down in the bombardmenl of 1807. The budding is of a chaste and noble architecture. The facade towards the church of our Lady

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