demical sonate hold their meetings liere in a hall adorned with the bursts and porlraits of the benefactors and patrons of the university. The western part of the university buildings is called the communy building. It faces Nørre gade and Krystalgade, and was formerly a free- dvelling for poor students; il is now the resi- dence of two professors and the bcadle and conlains the university colleclion of malerials and Ihe arehives. Det chirurgiske Acndcnii, The Surgical Aca- demy in Bredgade Nr. 46 consists of two buil dings, an cider and a new that was built a few ycars ago. In this latter and newer buil ding lliere are the dissection room for the stu dents and several studying rooms for Ihe pro fessors and the more proficicnt. In the elder building is the l'hysiological Laboratorium in two divisions, one for physical and one for Chemical I’hysiology. The building contains moreover spacious rooms for making ditferent sorts of apparatus, for kceping living animals lo be experimented on, for instruments, Che mical matcrials and so likc. On the first floor is a great hall intended for an auditorium, ca- pable of containing more than one hundred students. There is hesides an apartmerit for microscopic and oplical experiments, and tinally some rooms containing a systematically aran-
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