II begins «INIcd Lo \ skal man Land bygge« — «With Law mus t tbe Land be built«. The Town-hall contains many diflcrent of- fices apperlaining to municipal justiee: IheMu- n i c ip a 1Co u n c i 1-Ch amb e r ; t h e P o l i c e a n d Crimi nal -Court s, the Passport-Offl ce and thc Office of the No t a r y - Pub l i c . The Lock- u p - h o u s e and Ar r e s t - h o u s e or prison arc in an adjoining building in Hcstemollestræde and in thal building arc scperate rooms for debtors. Horson, The Eichange, stands on Slotsholm between two branches of the clianal and is one of the many buddings which the Capital owcs to Christian IV. It was finished in three years afler the foundalion - slone was laid by Stcen- vinkel and is one of the finest monument of architecture of that day. The building is very long, and, in proportion, narrow. The two long facades are ornamenled with a vast number of figures cut in the sandstone that supports the cornices. Bolli cntranccs have richly ornamen ted portals of which that which opens on the palacc place is the more beautiful and consisls of four Etruscan pillars of Italian marble. To this cntrancc you ascend an inclinedplan plan- led with spreading trees with a bulwark of sandstone on cach side. The roof of the buil ding is surmounted by a most remarkable spire formed of four dragons, their crocodile-like
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