Navy, the Ecclesiastical Department and the Dc- partments of llie Treasury and the Interior, lies oppositc the exchange and consist of a main- building, erected by Frederik IV, whose bust in marble may be seen on the frontispiece, and of three olher buddings onee belonging to the noble family of Lerches, sincc purchased by the State. The entrance lo the different mini- sterial offices is from a corridor on the prinĀ­ cipal ftoor that runs through the entirc building. The Chancery-bulding is also by a corridor connccted with Christiansborg Palace and in that wing nearest the palace the Privy Archivcs of the Kingdom are kept in firc-proof vaults as is likewisc the chicf-cotTcr of the Exchequer. In the annexed building behind the Exhange is the Royal I n s ur anc e Office and theSt amp- Office. Raad- og Domhuset, The Town-Hall and Court-house, was erectcd by order of Christian VII from the plan of Hansen. The foundalion- slone was laid by the Crown Prince Frederik, afterwards Frederik VI, the 28th of September 1805 and the building was nol finished until 1815. The chief front is towards the Markct- place and consisls of a flue colonnade from wliich a few steps lead lo a great vestibule. On the frontispiece stand the well known words willi wliich the code of Jutland law of Valdemar

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