snouts pointing to tho four cardinal-poinls and thcir tails intertwisting with beauliful regularity unlil they laper away up lo a point. The buil- ding was bought by tbe Society of Mercliants in 1856 whcn il underwent a thorough rcsto- ration and llie interior great iniprovements. The hall in which llie merchants assemble is very spacious, and it contains an au c t ion ro om, ro oms for tbe S o c i e t y o f Me r c han t s , for ma r i t i me - a s s u r a n c e , for i n s u r a n c c for goods andfurniturc and for thc Pri vat e - Bank. The ground floor is vaulted and thc vaults arc ocu- pied by retail dealers in dry and saltcd goods. Acor- ridor connects from the Exchange into tbe Bank. The Bank is a massive ediflce of stone on llie Southern side of the Exchange erected lo- wards the end of thc last ccntury. The gold and silver is kept in fireproof vaults. A magni- flcent ncw building for the National-Bank is now building on the Gammelholm’s present ground. The offices of thc National-Bank arc open every week day from 10— 2. The Hint is in Nyhavn and coining is liere effeeted by steain. Open every week day from 11—3. Nikolaitaarn, The Tower of St. Nicolas, is all that now remairis of Nicolas Church burnt down in 1795. This is thc fire-brigades cliief station from and to which telegraphic wires ex-
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