Crown-Prince. In Iho opposite palace to the left of the colonnadc aro the rooms of thc fo- reign offices, and liere arc also suits of aparl- menls appropriated to the usc of foreign Prin- ces; the third palace is the winler-residcnce of her Majesty the Queen Dowagcr Caroline Amalia, and the fourth, where the latc Land grave of Ilessen lived, is to bo the residencc of the Crown-Prince. Printlsens Palace, at the corner of Ny- Vestcrgade and Frederiksholms Canal, originally helongcd lo a rich merchant, Vigandt Mychel- beckcr, but was purchased by Frederik IV and served as residenec for Christian V and Frederik VI, wlien Cown Princcs. The palace has more lately been inhabited by many othcr princcs eonnectcd with the royal family, and has affor- ded appartments to many noble families, for whicli reason it used to bc called the «noble poorhouse*. It is now the properly of the State and contains the Ethnographic Museum and the far famed collection of Northern Antiquitics.
Government and Municipal Buildings.
Cancclihygiiiiigcriie, The Cliancerybiiildings, containing the Offlces of thc Army and the
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