rises tlie Steeplc, 228 feet high, around the oulside of which a spiral stairease winds. Three hundred and ninety three steps lead from the chief entrance to the lop of the steeple, from which thero is a noble view. St. Joliaiincskirkc, Church of St. John The greal and rapid ineroase in the population of the suburbs has, within lale years, oeca- sioned a demand for a new place of worship for the inhahitants of the Eastern and Northern- fotihorgs. The necessary funds were eolleeled ehielly by private subscription, and the new ehurch was flnished and consecrated on the 25 of August 1861. IL stands in the niidsl of a free open place on the norlh-common, noble and interesting from the unpretending simplicily of ils style. The architect’s mame is Sørensen, lt is a cross-church of red bricks, seventy ells in length and eighty in breadth. The spire with the lowcr is seventy eight ells in lieight, and on cach side of the Nave is a chapel. The interior of the church is rendered imposing by the lofly vaulted roof and by ils noble decoralions. The arches rest on colossal columns and are spangled with golden stars on a heavenblue ground. The-great Nave extends to the oetagonal choir; the place of the organ is richly ornamented with gilding and the pul- pit is adorned with line carvings in wood.
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