Besides the above namcd cburches, that belong to «tlie sighls» of tbe metropolis, tberc are many other places of public worsbip, such as Va rl o u II o s pi ta l’s c hur c h in Løngangssi ræde; F r c der k’s c b urc b for the German congrcgation in Christianshavn; tbe cliureli of tbe Common - II os pi tal; Abel Cat hr i ne ’s eb u reb; the Garrison in the citadel, for tbe garrison llicre and tbe chapel of tbe prison and townball. Moreover the Frencb and German Reformers have a fine old church al the corner of Rosenborg- and Gothersgade. TheRoman Catholics have theirlaste- fully buill church of St. Ans gar i us in Bred gade and an annexchapel — St. Knuds — in Ny Kongensgade. In Revcrenlsgade thcre is a cha pel for Ihe Rus s i an Emb a s s y and in Storm gade one for the Engl i sh. The Met hodi s t s have crcctcd a handsomc Meetinghouse in 1865 in Rigensgade, and Ihe Bap t i s t s in 1867 a Ilouse of I’rayer called Cbrist’s chapel, wliile IheJews have built a beautiful S y n a g o g e in 1830—32 afler a design by Professor Ilelsch; and laslly the Congregalion of Brothers and the Episco- palians celebrate their divine service in a house in Stormgade. Among the eclesiastical buildings w'e must not omit to menlion the ruins of the nevcr- flnished 11 arniurkirke, fflarble Church, in Bred-
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