but noble and chaste stylc and Ihc lovers of art wille here find gratifications in scvcral masterpicces of Tho r va l d s en and Ris sen. IlolniPiiskirkc, Holm or Island Church on the Ilolm-canal, was builL by Christian IV as a worship for the Navy. The portal is in Golhic style and the interior is, likc the cliurcb of Tri ni ty , ornamented with ricb carvings in oak. In the spacions great chapel repose the remains of Renrnark’s l\vo great Naval beroes, Niels Juni and To r d e n s k j o l d , each in a mngnificicnt sarcophagus. Garnisonskirke, Garison Church, on St. Anna’s 1‘lace is especially intended for Ihc use of the Military. In 38G1 it underwent a cora- plete rcsloration. In Ihc outside Wall are two mo- nurnents lo the memory of Ec k e r s b e r g and the animalpainter Lund, who fell while serving as a volunteer in his country’s cause in April 1848. l'Telserskirke, Church of our Saviour, built by Lambert von der Haven froin the design of the Architectgeneral Thura, in 1682—93 in Christianshavn, is a remarkable spcciinen of archilectural arl, most especially wilh regard to its singptilar spire. On the walls of the lower the four Evangelists are scen in figures largcr than life; above (bese is an octagonal gallery with a portal on every side, and from there
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