of Ordrup, and through the charming wooded hanks of Ordrupskrat up to thc Decr-park; or wc may regain the highroad to Copenha- gcn by passing through the pretty lillle town of Gj cnl of t e on the banks of thc lake of that name, where swans br'eed every ycar. Closo by on the way side stands a plain obelisk, a monument raised by the grateful peasånts of this district to the honour of the « g o odCoun t Be r n s t o r f f under wh o s e mi n i s t r y they were be f r e ed from thc d e g r ad i n g b o nd of v il lenage. « The last spot worlhy of notice on our road back is Søholm on the bank of thc tiny lake called Lu nd h uu s - S ø , once a place of public enterlainment but now the property of a private gentleman. At Rude gaard, about 2*/s miles from Co- pcnhagen, the highroad divides, the one branche leading eastward over IIir seh holm to He l s i ng ø r (Elsinore), the other westward to Hillerød. The traveller who can do s o , should not oinit making this longer excursion which is now so facilitated by the rail-road. The road lo Hi l l erød, or, as it is coin- monly called, Fr e de r i k s bo r g , leads through the woods past tlié villages of Bi rkerød, El ou- st rød and Herløv. Fr e de r i ks bor g caslle,

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