not, however, retracc our steps, bul lurning easlward pass through Nærum and visit the pretty village of Søl l e r ød amid scenery thal resembles more North - Wales than Sealand. Passing the great Dairy-farm of Dr onn i ng - gaard, situaled on the richly wooded hanks of the F u r e - l a k e , we take a cross road lcading westward to Fr e de r i k s da l , a lovely spot, cerlainly one of the most lovely we have visited in our excursion. About two miles to the east of Frederiksdal on the high-road to Copenhagen is the Suinmer-Palace Sorgenf ri witli the adjoining little town of Lyngby. Huilt in the Italian style, like Frederiksberg, on a hili, the Palacc owes its tille to ils being the residence of Royalty not to any grandeur of its own; but the garden and the park are indced worlhy of being ealled queenly. This is the favouritc summer residence of the Qucen Dowager, Caroline Amalia, even as it was of King Christian VIII. From Lyngby, whero therc is a railway station, a cross-road leads toward the south west up the narrow avenue of Bernstorff to Jæg e r s bo r g where therc is a reeruit - school for the Hussars. The sum- mer-palacc of Be r n s t o r f f , hard by, is now the favouritc summer residence of the present King and the Royal family. From this the road leads easlward through the pretty village

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