tliat noble spccimen, of architectural art, built by Christian IV in Ihe years 1603— 1621, was, in one nigbt in December 1859 , laid in ashes. But partly by voluntary subscriplion of the nation, partly by funds granled by thc Diet, parily by the noble-hearted latc King Fre derik Vil kingly contribulion the noble slrue- ture has again arisen from its ruins in all its former stalely beauly. The interior of the castle is not yet restorcd, but the cburch, one of the most beautiful specimcns of the florid Gothic stylc, perhaps the most beautiful exlanl, is now restorcd in all its former splendour. The Palace Gardens are in the sliiT old French stylc, terrasses over terrasses, primly clipped boxwood hedges and slraight unbending avenues — lo our mind a pleasant contrast to the free, untrammellcd loveliness of the park and pleasure-grounds surrounding this xvell trained courtier-like memorial of days gonc by. From thc Hunt ers - hiil (Jægerbakken), the finest view of the castle may bc had. In the immediate vicinily of the castle of Frederiksborg are the stables, ridinghouse and farm-premises of the Na t i o n a l - S t u d , whose existence has for many years been a problem, not to say a bono of contention, lo Danish political econemisls. Four miles from Frederiksborg is the
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