Excursions towards Ihe North and North east of Sealand offer greal atlractions. Woods and bikos, liills and dales, smiling landscapes, views in which tlic Sound and tlie bold out- linc of tlie Swedish - coast form the back- ground, beauliful country-scats and picturesque fisliermen’s villages afford an cndless succes sion of ever-varying scenes to ■which tlie North Sealand railroad afi'ords easy access. Leaving Copenhagen by tlie Eastern Gale \ve have tlie St r andway right bcfore us, wilh the Sound and the Island of live en, and beyond it the Swedish coast on our right. The one beauliful country house and villa is passed after the other; for liere it is that the Citizen of Copenhagen most delighis lo pitch bis tent for tlie summer monlhs and make up by frcsli air, bathing and rural amusements, for the unwholesome nine - monlhs - life in town. About four miles from town we come to Cha r l o t t e l und Castle in tlie park of tlie same naine. This, formerly the country-seat of tlie Landgrave of Hcssc, is now the summer residencc of tlie Crown-Prince Frederik. but tlie park is open lo all, and is one of the most favourite resorts of the citizens in Sum mer. To ils popularity sufficient leslimony is borne by the crowd of carriages of all shapes,
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