Ihat have their regular stand on tlie circus opposite Ihe principle entrance lo tlie park and which convoyances, from their way of doing business, are known by tlie characteristic ap- pelation of P r i v a t e e r s , which has suc- ceedcd the now obsolete cognomen of Cof- f e e - m i l l s lo which their noisc and motion of old cntitled tlicm. Wc will nol stop to nolice tiie tcnts of the mounlebanks and jugglcrs nor tlie booths of tlie liquorsellcrs, but only observe that Con- s t an t i a Tea g a r de n is a very rcputable place of entertainment, and that the nearest railway station is immediately beyond the wood on the Ordrup ro ad. Proceeding along the S tran d- way, wc pass the flshing village of S k o v s ­ ti o ved and reacli Emi l i e kilde (Emil i a’ s Spring). This is regarded by many as the most beautiful part of the road along tlie sliorc. And indeed it would be difficult lo find in Europe a more beautiful scene than lliat which liere charms tlie eye. Wc w'ould especially remark the view from Bcllevue. The road liere branches off lo tlie right through the flshing village of Taarbæk. We wåll keep to tlie lefl which leads us lo the Deer Park. It is midsommer and tlie green bcech-wood lliat in spring and autumn stands so lovely in ils lovelincss, wilh seldoin any living lliings

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