comparison with any of llie same standiug on ihe Continent. Opposile Ihe principal entrance lo Ihe Pa- lace-yard, are the pleasure grounds of S ø n ­ d e rma r ke n , Ihe highest point of which is Ihe sile of Ihe great reservoir of Ihe waler-works, and, adjoining lliis, the tower, containing the waterpipe through the top of which the waler must pass bcfore flowing into the reser­ voir. lf wc wish lo make a longer excursion westward, we may visit Roe s k i l de , to which there are railvvay-lrains in general three limes a day. In less than an hour wc are there; and we can visit the charming scenery of the environs of Le i r e, see the beauliful castle of Lel hraborg, and cross the Iss e f j ord to the pleasure-lodge of Jæger s p riis. Rut, bcfore all elsc, we gain an opportunily of seeing the Cat hedra! , a majeslic structure buill in the rcign of Canul e - l he -Gr e al by Bishop Wi l ­ liam. liere are the tombs of the Kings of Denmark from the earlicst limes, and liere are many things well worthy of the traveller’s attention, more so than are to be found in most of the churches of the Continent.

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