Ihe North of Europe. Its original litic was Ihc Holy Trin i ly Corpor at i on in Ihc I)a- 11 i s li Cornpany; but in latcr days it became a Shooling-Club — for sbooting at a ((Target« and at the «Popinjay». The annual sbooting at the «King-hird« takes place in June and July, and is usually bonoured by the prcsence of the Ring and Ihe Royal family. A bille farther on, on Ihc same side, is the birth- place of Adam Øe h l e n s c h l a g e r , horn the 14th November 1779. Turning to the right wc now enter Frede riksberg; avenue. An iron gate unlil within the last few years stood here, so thal this entrance lo (he avenue is slill called Ihe «Iron- Gate«. Notliing can be more refreshing on a hut summer-day, after having made ones way through the crowdcd streets of the city and along the no less noisy and crowded Wcsl- Rridge, than to find oursselwcs in this broad shady approacli lo Frederiksberg - Park, planled with wide spreading lofly limetrees and boardered on both sides by llower-gardens in front of comfortable, tastefully huilt villas. On the left of the avenue lies the Ilorieul- tural Society’s garden, and on the right the noted tea-gardens, Al l é e nbe r g and S om merl yst , with all their altractions of pavillions, shady summerhouses , roundabouts , theaters,
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