swings, and all Ihc machinery of a fair for the entcrtainment of Mr. and Mrs. S ø r e n s e n witli llieir farnily and friends from llie country. At the end of llie avenue is a large circular space, eallcd the «round-deal#, where carriages and trannvaggons have their «terminus», and from this an iron-gate way opens on the park of Frederiksberg. We will nol stop lo eritisise the Statue of the king, Frederik the VI, which we must pass before entering the park itself; enougli to nole that il is of bronce by Bis sen and was unveiled the lst September 1858. A more tasteful monument undoubtedly is that which that good monarch’s kindness of heart and affability erectcd to his memory in the people’s heart. Fre de r i ks be r g Pal ac e , built in the mo dem Italian slyle, was built by Frederik IV; and from the year in which il was finished unlil the dcath of Frederik VI, was the con- stant summer-residence of the Royal farnily. The interior of the palace presents nolhing remarkable exept it be the painted ceilings of llie principle appartments; but a more beauti- ful view than thal which greets llie eye from the upper story and from the balcony can hardly be imagined. In the vaults of the pa lace is a chapcl. The palace is now the properly of the stale and has of late ycars been
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