ful marble flgures by Wiedewelt: Fi del i t y, Pa t r i o t i sme , Ag r i c ul t ur e and Bravery. Where tbc avenue ends, one can either proceed straight forward along tlie «Bridge« or, turning to the riglit, take tlie old Rings Boad which runs paralel with the Bridge as far as Værn- damsveien, and likcwisc leads to Frederiksberg. We prefer keeping to the Bridge, and llius having an opportunity of seeing tlie liosts of lofty spacious buildings that have been ereclcd lately, which in realily can vie in every respect with the hest houses in the city. On either side a beershop on a giganlic scale, Ol ym pus and Th o r s - h a l l , beckon tlie thirsty; to the left over the embankment of the old Roes kilde railway, you may desery the roof and chimney of the Gas-works with ils 4 mighty Gasometres and ils 350 Gasretorts capable of producing 80,000 Tds. a day (Gallons on feel). Just before wc comc in siglit of tlie enlrancc to Fredcriksberg’s lovely avenue, wc pass a large mansion-like liouse on our left, with a green court in front surrounded with a railing. Tbis is the clubhousc of the Royal I) anis li Br o t h e r h o o d , the Royal Sbooling-Club of Go- penhagen, built in 1786 and sincc greally enlarged. This Brotherhood is a Society of some note , dating ils foundation from tlie middle-ages, when Guilds were introduced inlo 7*
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