and w liic h , aflor C r o s sin g Ih c m o a l and I r a v e r s in g Ihe ramparls, branch o li in lo all Ilto ramiflca- lio n s necessary fo r Ih e supply of every «(iuartcr» e v e r y s ir c e l, and e v e r y lto u s e in Ih e town. On Ihe left hånd side of the way is Tivoli and opposite il a tasteful budding in a fine garden wliich serves as «summcr-house» for Ihe «Kings Club«. A liltle farther on lies Ihe Copenhagen «terminus» or chief railway-station, opened the 14th of October 1864, so magni- ficent a structurc and so practical in every rcspect, that thero are not raany in the world that exccl it. It is buill by Professor Il e r holdt; is 264 feet long and 80 feet high. Up the enlire centre runs a vasl Perron with a vaulted roof of 132 arches r covercd willi glass. The whole building and grounds occupy more than 3 acres. About midway up the avenue, stands a fine Obelisk, called the Pi 11ar o f Frc edom (Friheds støtten), raised by the eilizens and the pcasants in honour of Christian the VII and Frederik VI, Ilten Crown Prince, to cornmomorate the abolilion of villanage. The Obelisk, wliich rests on a pedestal of Norwcgian marble is 48 feet high. On Ilte easl and wesl sides of Ihc pedestal are bas reliefs, representing a S e r f ’s r e l c a s c f rom Bonda g e and the Godde s s of Jus t i c e ; the four corners are adorned with beauli-
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