33 30. Patriotio Song. Words by A . Oehlenschlåger. — Music by H. E. Krøyer.

I know a lovely land, Whose charming woods of beeches Grow near the Baltic strand. It waves from valley up to hiil Its name is olden Denmark, And here dwells Freya still. Here spent their quiet life Those gallant mail-clad champions Reposing from the strife. From there they rushed destroying foes,

Their bones are now reposing Beneath the tomb-hill’s stones.

This land is charming still, For blue are Belt and Ocean, And green are woods and hiil. And noble women, lovely maids, Brave men and fearless boys Inhabit Denmark’s isles.

31. In the Field, far in the Field. Little-Russian popular ditty by Thor Lange. -— Music by P. E. Lange-MUller. In the field, far in the field so wide I look round me, round to ev’ry side, In the meadows green and fresh fair flowers glare, Raspberries red hang ev’rywhere. And I see those berries red and charming, And I see the Cossack with his darling; But the darling ’s sad, her pretty eyes are streaming, In each footprint tears are gleaming. And the giri says: »If I poor wretch knew All the harm, I should endure from you, And that you would coldly leave me for another, I had stayed still with my mother.

I will fly from here with my dismay, Where I go, to nobody I say, Happiness I knew, alas, it soon did vanish, Now my grief will never finish«.

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