than the lash. Premiums are distributed to the deserving; emulation, consequently, in spires all to aim at the prize, and in such a competition none can lag far behind. We returned from Jaegersborg and came to the village of Gientofte, which slopes down the banks of a lake. There are few farmers in this place, the houses chiefly belonging to ci tizens. Mr. Mailing lives here. The clergy man of this parish is the Rev. Mr. Hoegh, a man equally respected for the discharge of his sacred duties, and his readiness to promote the welfare of his fellow creatures. Mr. Hoegh obtained the first prize (a gold medal worth a hundred dollars) given by the Agricultural society, for the best Trea tise on Farming. This valuable work is writ ten in chapters, descriptive of the different and most profitable methods to be adopted in the cultivation of lands, the breeding of cattle, with general rules for the improvement of horticulture. To it is affixed a treatise adapted to cottagers, who, in general, form only an eighth or tenth part of the establishment on a
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