the fashion to make men soldiers by flogging. Having no Germans to run away, desertion formerly so frequent, is now little known. The perpetual scene of punishment was offensive to all who felt for their fellow creatures, and the new system naturally gives satisfaction. The bad habits of these vagabonds were communicated like a plague among our native soldiers, and thus, not only the name, but the profession became contemptible. The na tional character, therefore, demanded a re form ; no foreigner, in future, can serve in our army. Natives, subject to be enrolled as soldiers, are to serve for six years only, in stead of eight; the two first on garrison duty, and for the remainder of their time, they are only to pass one month of the year at Copen hagen, for the purpose of exercise; and this without prejudice to their regular pay, bread, and quarters; they are, besides, allowed five dollars per head, yearly, for marching money. A method has been adopted in the regiment of the hussars, (and, I believe, throughout the army) much more likely to improve a soldier
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