farm. Nor is this all; for added to the ex­ cellence of the system, and the good it has produced in guiding a prejudiced multitude to industry, Mr. Hoegh has written a book of a very peculiar and salutary nature. He has become the advocate of the brute creation, pre­ fixing to the different chapters on animals, an address, wherein religion and morality are ably blended in support of the cause he pleads. That which precedes the chapter on horses, is, in particular, written with a degree of energy and feeling, equally worthy of his head and heart. He draws a picture of the duties we owe that noble animal, enlarges upon the bene­ fits we receive from him, dwells on the wan­ tonness with which mankind too often repay those obligations by oppressive cruelty, and concludes his arguments in a manner so im­ pressive, that the most hardened heart must become a convert to his sentiments. His own lands are a sufficient proof, that his rules are not of that description which look well on paper, but resist the test; what he recommends he follows. The returns of his

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