tageously to a distant observer. A solemn still ness reigned around, without any other inter ruption than the occasional melody of birds within the grove, which gave a contemplative charm to the scene, and made it perfectly enchanting. I viewed it feelingly, it was the haven of a pilot who had weathered many a storm in rendering services to his country, and left behind him an example worthy the imita tion of the most exalted characters. At some little distance from this seat of Count Bernstorff, is the hamlet of Jaegersborg. The hunting box which stood on this spot has been demolished, and barracks built in its room for the recruits of hussars who are drilled here. It was the hour of exercise when w e . approached. Although they appeared to per form but aukwardly the new and difficult ma noeuvres lately introduced into the cavalry ser vice, still, with some patience on the part of the officers they may in time become expert. With the abolition of German recruits, we have lost German habits, and it is no longer
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