felt the most lively gratification in viewing the abode of a man, who is a real ornament to his country. Were I on this spot, to indulge my fancy, I should mingle with groupes of pa rents and of orphans, imploring, with uplifted eyes, blessings on him, who is ever foremost to alleviate the sufferings of the poor, when the severity of winter adds to their calamities. I should behold the victims of misfortune restored with their families to society, uttering, “ This we owe tohim J” and a throng of friends to mankind would croud around me, unani mously expressing their sentiments of his worth. But I need not record his actions, u they will be registered elsewhere.” At this seat stands a monument to our Dan ish Titus, Frederick the 5th, in the erection of which, sincerity and good sense are chiefly con spicuous. In our ramble about these gardens, we came to a summer house, built on a projecting point; it had this inscription, Amicis Quieti. The prospect hence delighted us in the extreme.—
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