A lake ran beneath, on which a number of ornamented boats and larger vessels, built and rigged like schooners, were sailing about on parties of pleasure. Beyond the lake the vil lage of Fredericksdal peeps at intervals through the deep groves which overshadow the ad joining valley. The sun, reflecting his fading beams on the landscape, tinged the whole with a rich crimson, and rendered the imposing scene still more charming. Now— “ The curfew toll’d the knell of parting day.” "VVe descended a declivity, and by ob taining a boat, saved the windings of the road to Fredericksdal, where Ave resolved to take up our quarters. After a slight supper we strolled abroad to admire the fineness of the night. Day-light continued till about ten o’clock, and then gradually declined. The western horizon was tinctured with a beautiful blush, which became imperceptibly paler till midnight, when the sun reached his far thest goal- In the mean time, a night
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