days and Sundays, to any who wish to see his estate, which, in many instances, deserves notice. We first visited the farm and inspected the cattle; a most excellent stock, constantly improving by his intercourse with England. In the park we found a purling brook, which we traced, through a beautiful cluster of trees, into a valley, and discovered its source within a grotto, furnished by the munificent owner with bottles and rummers, for the accommodation of those whom the scorching sun might inconĀ­ venience while contemplating the natural and artificial beauties of this admirable retreat. A stone stands in the grotto with an inscription from Ovid, alluding to the clearness of the stream. We drank and proceeded to the Naess, a promontory, divided by a rivulet from the park. Here the gardens are of the most magnificent description, forming a happy combination of nature and art. The seat is surrounded by some excellent orchards, and plantations of filbert-trees. I

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