But he was not constant to his visionary propen­ sities ; for, having conceived a plan, the execu­ tion of which he fancied would raise the asto­ nishment, and entitle him to the admiration of after-ages, he eagerly sought to adopt it. Thus he formed the gigantic idea of erecting Chris- tiansborg, which he built with the money left by his father, and the public revenues. The palace was completed in seven years, and bears this inscription, placed by the King’s order over the gateway: “ Christianus Sextus, hanc regiam cedificavit, “ absque onere subditorum.” The pious king very wisely wrote this in latin, whereby he concealed its falsehood from the mass of his people. He next built Hirsch- holm in a morass; this was attended with a vast expence. These were the two principal efforts of his life; for the building of the dock, which unfortunately took place in his reign, must be attributed to the joint exer­ tions of Danneskiold and Bendstrup, who, emulous to give importance to our naval de­ fence, sat all obstacles at defiance which im

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