peeled so laudable a design, till, by unwearied industry, they happily succeeded in its com pletion. Christian the Sixth, who smiled when he signed a death-warrant, and wept when he gave away a living, departed this life after a short reign, in which he plunged Denmark into an enormous debt. His name is never mentioned, but where his conduct towards the Reverend Mr. Hans Egede, has fixed an inde lible stain on it 5 the particulars of which are thus related by Mailing : “ The patriotic Egede had proposed a plan in the life time of Frederick, for emigrating to Greenland, to humanize the inhabitants, and teach them the comforts of religion. To carry this into effect, he resigned a very competent living he held at Vogcn, in the diocese ol Drontheim. The sacrifice of his own com forts, however, was simply a prelude to his design; he therefore applied to government for aid, but the country being then in a state of warfare, his project was not attended to. Egede, notwithstanding, persisted on going to
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