cible , and expressed her astonishment, that men oppressed with the fatigues of watching in the night and marching, could display such activity and ardor in the field of battle. She concluded, by intreating, that His Majesty would be pleased to reward their heroic con­ duct, so flattering to Denmark, and so bene­ ficial to Europe at large. Frederick the Fourth established his finan­ cial department on an excellent basis. The Dukes of Holstein were compelled to relin­ quish their claims on Sleswick. He abolished vassalage, and put the militia on a respectable footing. During his reign Denmark suffered all the combined disasters of war, plague, and fire; yet he left three millions of dollars in his treasury. On his accession, Christian the Sixth, little anxious to emulate the noble example of his father, pursued aline of conduct altogether re­ pugnant to the duties of his station, and the prosperity of his kingdom. His thoughts were, or seemed to be, in heaven : no wonder, therefore, that he neglected sublunary things, E 3

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