‘c and undauntedly mai: tain their posts !” The Duke of Marlborough paid them a still higher compliment, when he told the States General, who wished to preserve some of the Flemish countries from having troops quartered in them, “ I have given my word to quarter the Danes “ there, and will keep it,” said that hero *, “ had it not been for these brave men, proba- u bly we should not have been sitting where “ we are.” “ As soon as we have taken some slight re- “ freshment,” the same Duke wrote to Fre­ derick the Fourth, after the battle of Ramil- iies, “ we shall advance against the enemy, “ relying upon heaven and our valiant troops, “ particularly those of your Majesty, who, u to a man, generals, officers, and soldiers, u have distinguished themselves in the battle, “ and merited all the commendation I can “ bestow •, nay, if I may say it, all the esteem “ your Majesty can feel for them.” About the same time, Frederick received a letter from Oueen Anne, of England, to thank him for the services his gallant troops had ren­ dered her. She gave them the title of in v in

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