crown ; beneath — T he K ing honors — T he C o u n try a ppr ec ia tes •, round the edge, the name and rank of the officer, with that of the ship or battery in which he earned the dis tinction. The medal is attached to a red rib band with a white cross,* and suspended from the button hole. After the presentation of these medals, the of ficers were invited to dine with the Prince Royal. In the evening the party went to the Theatre, where a recitative poetical drama, written by Mr. Guldberg, called the P r ince of P eace and the C onqueror , was performed. I have now completed my attempts to sketeix, fairly and candidly, the outlines of a day, whose morning dawned in lowering clouds on Den mark, but whose brighter evening has given us assurance of a settled calm. * This is the miniature resemblance of our flag, which is called D a n b r o o , and originates in the following circum stance. When V a l d e m a r the Victorious, fought in Livo nia, his troops were nearly vanquished. But on his produ cing a red standard with a white cross, which he told them had descended from the heavens, they rallied rbund it, and conquered.
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