the metropolis itself, was removed to a large country estate at Roskilde (ca. 33 km. from Copenhagen), the buildings of which formed the first framework of the hospital. Of these buildings only one still exists. During the hundred years and more which have elapsed since the removal, the hospital has grown to be the largest hospital for the insane in Scandinavia. The aggregate area is about 47 hectares. The hospital buildings are grouped into a male hospital, comprising 739 beds, and a female hospital, comprising 1,014 beds; total number of beds: 1,753. The medical supervision of each hospital is vested in a senior physician, assisted by a staff of house? surgeons. The hospitals are under a common administration; likewise they have electricity works, laundry, etc., in common. The Director of the Hospitals, the two physicians? in?chief and the inspector constitute a board which meets to discuss the affairs of the hospitals. In connection with the above information con? cerning the institutions controlled by the Directorate of the Metropolitan Hospital Service, it must also be mentioned that the Hospital Service has established connections with some few private clinics and hospi? tals, so that a number of beds in these are filled through the afore?mentioned »Visitatorer« specially appointed physicians at the Kommune Hospital. Among these private institutions I will mention only the largest, viz.: Dronning Louises Boernehospi? tal (Queen Louise’s Hospital for Children), which *
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