pality of the metropolis in 1922. An enlargement has been effected, and the Home can now accommodate 35 female convalescents discharged from the metro* politan municipal hospitals. The daily management and medical supervision are arranged as at »Skjoldborg«.

14. MUNICIPAL NURSING IN HOMES. In 1916, the municipal nursing in homes was in* troduced experimentally (with six nurses); it has since been extended and established. Thus the present appointments are as follows: one matron, 26 hospital? trained nurses, excluding probationers. The nurses are distributed over the metropolis, which is divided into six districts. The nursing in homes, which is gratuitous, is in* tended for panebpatients and the like who, without this aid, would be obliged to seek hospital treatment, or for those who, owing to lack of accomodation, cannot be admitted into any hospital, as also for such patients who can be discharged from the hospitals on the asumption that expert nursing is guaranteed in the home.

15. ST. HANS HOSPITAL. St. Hans Hospital is a hospital for the insane in* tended for residents in the metropolis suffering from insanity. In 1816, the hospital, originally situated in

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