was opened in 1879 and, later, in 1910, enlarged, so that it now can accommodate 150 children suffering from medical and surgical diseases. The municipality of the metropolis subsidises the hospital. Below, a short summary is given of the individual hospitals or hospital departments affiliated to the foundations of the Board of Guardians, the admini? stration of which is controlled by the Third Division of the Municipal Administration. »Almindelig Hospital« (General Hospital), which is an institution for old men and women of the metro? polis in need of permanent relief — excluding people receiving Aldersrente (old?age pension) — as well as for younger incurables or cripples, includes a hospital department comprising about 300 beds. The hospital department receives patients from the other departments of the foundation, as also patients admitted from the town or transferred from other municipal hospitals. »Arbejdsanstalten (Workhouse) Sundholm«, com? prising partly a workhouse for able?bodied persons who can do a small amount of work temporarily un? able to support themselves, partly a compulsory workhouse for persons on whom penalties are im? posed for begging, vagrancy, etc., includes a sick? department of about 100 beds intended for the in? mates of the workhouse. »De Gamles By« (the old peoples’ town), which is an old?age home for persons to whom an old?age pension has been granted, has a sick department com? prising about 300 beds intended for old?age pen?
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