§ 0

shoqtersonthe, right and^entcej and several* shells .thrown from the,Unes^ ; f :, ^i-.rn'wv.t ^a6thv ; S ir .Arthur Wellesly, with the ref. serve, eight squadron? -pfcavalry .and the, horse Artillery, -under Major-General, Lin^ sengen* the 6th battaiinripf $0 line, Jiing?$ German Legion v and, th^Jjghf brigade of grtiUery belonging tq.^e j^$er,y£marqhedj to the Roeskild Kroq*,, he g,qr^-jbOfits mad$ an attack on the left" of our position, .and were .twice driven Try by ^he, ;Wind-mill t Batteries, one boat haying ,blpwn .up, and several others haying suffered considerably*; The Guards .severely canhQnaded .hy the. . gun-boats^f the enemy attempted, a- 6 qi tie, but was quickly driven back. ... ^ aCth. At daybreak fthe battery of four , twenty-four pounders opened:on the right, arid drove in the .gun-boats, o n eo f which was much damaged, Sir Arthur Wellesly. inarched in two divisions to attack the enemy in front and rear at Kpenerup, but he had , moved qp .tqwards Kioge , upon which Sir Arthur took.a position tq cqyer, the besieging

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