' <;••.The advanced squadron of hfa.MajeSfyfc ghn-brigs and bomb-vessels having takehit position near ’the. entrance of th£ harbour, within the Crown-Battery were attacked at :teii-in the mo’rrfiOg*hby a11^ 'boats and pfaaik ^rsu^poiiedvbyi^the"hreTof the Crown^bittery^ vbidck-fship,several hoursV they at i length retired, some of them havingbeemmoreihan ..; *, , I..: , ,. *once on nre by#ed-bot shos,, t.rThe«batteries near, theM ill shaving- acted with effect Apoii fthe 5 gumboats ,b the latter ^tnrried'khel’r rfi^ ~npdnqihemv»buitwere obligdditoitet^ewitk considerable. lef$*}i ' ''k : u t : ' at4th.* Atthreein th£ mornth^ theafmy "Was under aims $ •the centre advanced its- position *to fthe; height near: the road*'which *rims in a' direction patoUel to > the detences of Copenhagen, to Fredericksberg Occupying “ihairrdtid- and isome posts beyohd idr The guards at the-same*time occupied the sub 4 1urbs between Bredericksberg and Gopenha* ’ gen, :fianked by a detachment of the 7*}.tJt