army. General Peymann applied for an armistice of thirty-siXj*hours t‘1 to r'emovl the patients froiti'St^John’s Hospital. Four hotirs was proposed to him, which offer he did not accept, and several shbtsWere fired through the saicl Hospitall^ !iid >i4J ,l 1M ’’ 1 a8th. Pirbgre'fi blade vin’ landing and Bringing5forward ordnance' ahd 'stores(1as vfell as iri malting 'batteries' ^hd cdinmuiu- cations. -,JO ■ -"n '* ■v" %9■ th. ‘v' Sii*'Arthur WelleVfy marched to KiSge, l * where1 'he^cbmpfetely“defeated "and dispersed' the ehfemy, taiting' upwards o f sixty Officers’ aild’ bite thousand fivehundred men, fourteen pi'efcfes afbahnoh,1and a quan­ tity o f powder and other stores. The pa- tteftts of St. John's Hbspital' Were removed td die Chapel' aif Fredericksburg, ! and'ad- jabeht houses ; the Danish: General Aank- fully acceding to this removal, andndeclar­ ing that it was riot fired upon b y 1the order, or with his knowledge. ' 30th. Batteries nearly finished , plat­ forms laid) and two thirds o f the ordnaiicc

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