35 morke Hammer i. e. the dark room) with the admonishing in­ scription on the door: „Som Skum og Rog fordunster Menneskets Liv“, meaning: „As foam and smoke passeth away the life of man". One of his writing slates is yet existing. Worth seeing is the drinking cup measuring nearly 2/8 of an Imperial gallon, which Frederik II, who drank „not only the cup of necessity, but also that of ,joy“, could empty at one draught. Also the bloodstained relics (the lace cravat, pocket handkerchief and velvet bonnet) from the naval battle of Koldbergerheide 1644, where Christian IV gained undying fame; further playthings of Christian V from his infancy namely: 3 small cannons, a „Clavicimble“ (Metallophon), an illuminated etching of Christian IY handed over to Christian V as a petition for liberty from Leonore Christine, bearing the in­ scription (an appeal which the prisoner puts into the mouth of her father). In these lines the late King Chr. IV is drawing a flattering comparison between himself and his grandson, whom he petitions to snow mercy to the prisoner, his daughter. The King’s chair of state, made of narwhale-teeth, the 3 great silver-lions, which represent the national coat of arms and serve as an ornament for the throne, and the" crown-regalia. (The entrance to an elevator, which has been constructed by the King and called ,.en opfarende Stol“ (a mounting chair), in­ dicates that the castle was supplied with practical contrivances and mechanisms). Catalogues in English (compiled by Dr. P. Brock, In­ spector of the collection) are sold at the entrance, price 2 Kr. — Ordinary catalogues, price bO Ore. Admission cards for a party of 12 persons, 6 Kr., are sold at the Inspector’s, who resides at the castle (see newspapers). Single tickets can be had at the Kiosks and at the tobac­ conist shop Oslergade 61. »K on gens Have* or Rosenborg Have (park) was laid out in 1606 by Christian IV in the stiff French style, yet to be traced in the beautiful avenues: Ka v a l e r g a n g e n and Damo g a n g e n (the knights and ladies walks). At the end of the Kavalergang (knightswalk) is the ./Her­ cules pavilion1* (relief by Wiedowelt, representing Hercules and 3 * Min Sonne-Son oc storste Navne, Du ligner mig i Mact og Moed: Ach lad ded nu min leffning (o: Datter gaffne), Du oc som jeg est Naade goed (1685).

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